CPC30313 Certificate III in Concreting

Develop Concreting skills for residential and commercial work




This qualification is designed to develop skills  in concreting operations for residential and commercial projects. The course can also cater for entry level participants who want to forge a career in this field.
Occupational titles could include: Concreter   /   Concrete pump operator

The qualification has core unit of competency requirements that cover common skills for the construction industry, as well as a specialist field of work. The qualification and skills recognition are undertaken in a real environment ‘on the job’ or in closely simulated environments.

Please click here for Required Skills and Knowledge Criteria for all units of CPC30313 Certificate III in Concreting.


CPC30313 Certificate III in Concreting Units

  • subject to change based on individual learning needs
CPCCOHS2001A Apply OHS requirements, policies and procedures in the Construction Industry
CPCCCM1012A Work effectively and sustainably in the construction industry
CPCCCM1013A Plan and organise work
CPCCCM1014A Conduct workplace communications
CPCCCM1015A Carry out measurements and calculations
CPCCCM2001A Read and interpret plans and specifications
CPCCCM2010B Working safely at heights
CPCCCM2008B Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding
CPCCCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures
CPCCCO2021A Handle concrete materials
CPCCCO2022A Use and maintain concreting plant, tools and equipment
CPCCCO2013A Carry out concreting to simple forms
CPCCCA2003A Erect and dismantle formwork for footing and slabs on ground
CPCCSF2004A Place and fix reinforcement materials
CPCCSF3001A Apply reinforcement schedule
CPCCCO3035A Assess and specify concrete supply requirements
CPCCCO3036A Plan concrete work and brief concrete team
CPCCCO3041A Place Concrete
CPCCCO3042A Finish Concrete
CPCCCO3043A Cure Concrete


Training Method

This program involves a mix of classroom based and ‘on the job’ training.  For unemployed participants, practical demonstrations and real life learning activities are provided.
RPL (recognition of prior learning) is available for all experienced participants to gain your qualification.

This course is a nationally accredited training program. Our trainers have a wealth of  experience and current industry knowledge and our dedicated to providing you with the skills and knowledge that will be valued by prospective employers.
Trainer assistance is also provided by phone and email as well as ‘on the job’/practical.

Course Duration
Typically between 6 to 12 months depending on the amount of practical hours completed each week.


Recognition Of Prior Learning (RPL) or Credit Transfer (CT)

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is a method of assessing your current skills and knowledge that may have been acquired through formal training and / or via informal learning such as experience you gained from work or non-formal such as a non-accredited qualification.
It is an alternative to coursework or class attendance. If you have existing skills or knowledge RPL can help reduce coursework required to complete a qualification.
We match your existing skills and knowledge against the course. We determine what learning, skills and knowledge you are able to demonstrate against the unit or qualification you’d like to complete. Then we assess your competence using the evidence you’ve provided. Where the evidence proves your competence it reduces or eliminates the need for coursework and enables you to complete your course quicker.

Credit Transfer (CT) is the recognition of formal training completed through another registered training organisation (RTO).  If you have covered any of the same unit/s of study as one of our courses, then your successful result can be transferred to another course. This would eliminate the need for you to re-complete this requirement. This process is completed by matching competencies between qualifications and ensuring that these outcomes are equivalent.

If you feel that RPL or CT may be right for you, then please contact us and we can talk you through your options, answer any questions you have and let you know where to go from here.  If you would like to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning or Credit Transfer, we will go through the process and associated costs with you step-by-step

Click here for GET Educations RPL policies and procedures

Application for RPL consideration

There are no general entry requirements for this course, however if you are eligible for funding (Qld only) there will be additional eligibility and entry criteria required. Please see the Funded by the Queensland Government tab for more information

Full Fee Paying:       $4,400  (220.00 per unit fee) – 20 units.

Please see GET Education Australia’s full schedule of Fee Paying Programs here

When collecting fees GET Education Australia complies with the standards for Registered Training organisations (RTO’s) 2015.
For fees paid by the student GET Education Australia may accept payment of no more than $1,500.00 from each individual student prior to commencement and cannot hold more than $1,500.00 in advance.

Recognition of Prior Learning will be charged at unit price.

Queensland Funded: You may be eligible for Funding under Certificate 3 Guarantee or User Choice Funding – Please see Queensland funded option tabs below

QLD GOVERNMENT FUNDING - Certificate 3 Guarantee


The Certificate 3 Guarantee gives eligible Queenslanders access to a subsidised training place to complete a nationally recognised certificate III qualification to improve their employment outcomes. The aim of this initiative is to transitions graduates into the workforce, their chosen career or lead to improved opportunities in their employment.

GET Education Australia has been approved by the QLD Government to deliver the following funded courses:

                                                                                       Concessional                        Non-Consessional 

CPC30313  Certificate III in Concreting                                          $50                     $200

Given the benefits that training provides to individuals, students undertaking certificate III training and non-concessional students undertaking lower level training are required to contribute to the costs of their training through a co-contribution fee.
The fee may be paid on your behalf by an employer or another third-party but cannot be paid or waived by GET Education Australia.

– Not currently be enrolled in or have completed a Certificate III or higher qualification (this does not apply to school based Certificate III which are exempt)
– Have finished secondary school or left school
– Be an Australian Citizen or permanent resident living in Queensland, (including humanitarian entrants) or a temporary resident with the necessary visa and work permits on the pathway to permanent residency, or a New Zealand citizen permanently residing in Queensland.
– Be aged 15 years or above

Please note that once you access Certificate 3 Guarantee Funding you will no longer qualify for a subsidy under this program. It is very important that you take the time to consider and compare your training options and costs, before committing to a course of study which will use up this entitlement.

Prior to commencing you will need to complete a pre-enrolment appraisal. This will also include a language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) assessment in order to commence your enrolment in the Certificate 3 Guarantee course.

Certificate 3 Guarantee Fees and refunds  – C3G Fees Schedule

Certificate 3 Guarantee Fact Sheet: – Certificate 3 Guarantee  FACT SHEET
If you aren’t sure if you meet the eligibility requirements explained above please visit the Department of Education and Training website or contact us 

Your Feedback
If studying this course in a funded place, within 3 months of completing this course you will be asked to complete a survey to track your satisfaction with this course and any employment outcomes.

We operate Australia-­wide with a selection of in-­class and distance courses, full time and part time courses as well as “on the job” training and traineeships. In addition to these training solutions, we also offer practical training positions where required.